Thursday, March 19, 2020

harassment essays

harassment essays Many companies have instituted formalized sexual harassment policies. Israel Discount Bank, PepsiCo., Mitsui Warner were questioned regarding their sexual harassment policy. The opening statement of a policy establishes the tone for the rest of the policy, clarifying a company's position on the issue. Three of the above-mentioned companies opened their statements of policy forcefully and definitively, stating that all employees have the right to work in an environment free of sexual harassment. The fourth company, Mitsui employees have the right to equal employment opportunities. It later proceeded to state that unlawful employee harassment is Within their policies, each of the companies gives their definition of sexual harassment. Israel Discount Bank and PepsiCo.'s definitions were similar, listing repeated sexual flirtation, unwelcome advances, propositions, verbal abuse of a sexual nature, suggestive objects, offensive comments, jokes, or innuendoes as harassment. Time Warner and Mitsui enumerate unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature under sexual Each company stresses forbids the threat of job loss due to rejected sexual overtures. They prohibit supervisory staff from threatening or insinuating, either explicitly or implicitly, that any employee's submission to or rejection of sexual advances will, in any way, influence any personnel decisions regarding employees: employment, evaluation, wages, advancement, assigned duties, or Sexual harassment can only be dealt with if the victim comes forth. The willingness of an employee to be forthcoming is dependent upon the articulated position of a company regarding sexual harassment. PepsiCo.'s zealous opposition to such harassment is clear in their written policy whic...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Facts About the Whale Shark

Facts About the Whale Shark Whale sharks are gentle giants that live in warm waters and have beautiful markings. Although these are the largest fish in the world, they feed on tiny organisms.   These unique, filter-feeding sharks appeared to evolve about the same time as filter-feeding whales, around 35 to 65 million years ago.   Identification While its name may be deceiving, the whale shark is actually a shark (which is a cartilaginous fish). Whale sharks can grow to 65 feet in length and up to about 75,000 pounds in weight. Females are generally larger than males. Whale sharks have a beautiful coloration pattern on their back and sides. This is formed of light spots and stripes over a dark gray, blue or brown background. Scientists use  these spots to identify individual sharks, which helps them learn more about the species as a whole. The underside of a whale shark is light. Scientists are not sure why whale sharks have this distinctive, complex coloration pattern. The whale shark evolved from bottom-dwelling carpet sharks that have noticeable body markings, so perhaps the sharks markings are simply evolutionary leftovers. Other theories are that the marks help camouflage the shark, help sharks recognize each other or, perhaps most interesting, are used as an adaptation to protect the shark from ultraviolet radiation.   Other identification features include a streamlined body and broad, flat head. These sharks also have small eyes. Although their eyes are each about the size of a golf ball, this is small in comparison to the sharks 60-foot size. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: ElasmobranchiiOrder: OrectolobiformesFamily: RhincodontidaeGenus: RhincodonSpecies: Typus Rhincodon is translated from the Green as rasp-tooth and Typus means type. Distribution The whale shark is a widespread animal that occurs in warmer temperate and tropical waters. It is found in the pelagic zone in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Feeding Whale sharks are migratory animals who appear to move to feeding areas in conjunction with fish and coral spawning activity.   Like  basking sharks, whale sharks filter small organisms out of the water.   Their prey includes plankton, crustaceans, tiny fish, and sometimes larger fish and squid. Basking sharks  move water through their mouths by slowly swimming forward. The whale shark feeds by opening its mouth and sucking in water, which then passes through the gills. Organisms get trapped in small, tooth-like structures called dermal denticles,  and in the pharynx. A whale shark can filter over 1,500 gallons of water an hour. Several whale sharks may be found feeding a productive area. Whale sharks have about 300 rows of tiny teeth, totaling about 27,000 teeth, but they are not thought to play a role in feeding. Reproduction Whale sharks are ovoviviparous and females give birth to live young that are about 2 feet long. Their age at sexual maturity and length of gestation are unknown. Not much is known about breeding or birthing grounds either.  In March 2009, rescuers found a 15-inch long baby whale shark in a coastal area in the Philippines, where it had been caught in a rope. This may mean that the Philippines is a birthing ground for the species. Whale sharks appear to be a long-lived animal. Estimates for the longevity of whale sharks are in the range of 60-150 years. Conservation The whale shark is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List.  Threats include hunting, impacts of diving tourism and overall low abundance. References and Further Information: Associated Press. 2009. Tiny Whale Shark Rescued (Online. Accessed April 11, 2009.Martins, Carol and Craig Knickle. 2009. Whale Shark (Online). Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department. Accessed April 7, 2009.Norman, B. 2000. Rhincodon typus. (Online) 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Accessed April 9, 2009.Skomal, G. 2008. The Shark Handbook: The Essential Guide for Understanding the Sharks of the World. Cider Mill Press Book Publishers. 278pp.  Wilson, S.G. and R.A. Martin. 2001. Body markings of the whale shark: vestigial or functional? Western Australian Naturalist. Accessed January 16, 2016.